Don't Lose Your Air Conditioner To Sludge: 4 Ways To Prevent Grime Buildup
Your air conditioner should last you up to 15 years, and no less than 10 years. However, air conditioners die premature deaths all the time. One of the main culprits of early death is sludge, the grimy, slimy substance that's known to accumulate in all parts of your air conditioning unit, including the plumbing. To keep your unit running great for years to come, you must do all you can to remove sludge buildup in a timely manner.
Two Common Heating Problems Wood Burning Stoves Pose New Homeowners
Many homeowners who buy homes and install wood burning stoves are often idealistic about how these stoves work. They envision a beautiful fire, and the warmth that accompanies their new, rustic-style heating unit. However, many people are shocked to find out that these heating systems do occasionally have some problems that you will need to deal with. Even though these systems are rustic and date back to the days of homesteading, they do require some maintenance and upkeep, as well as a knowledge of how to use them.
Water Heater Getting Old? 3 Signs It Needs To Be Repaired Or Replaced
You likely take your hot water for granted each time you take a shower, wash your hands, and do your dishes. If your water heater is getting old, however, you need to ensure it stays running so you can keep your hot water. Below are some signs that the water heater may be having problems and needs to be repaired. There are also signs that you need to replace the water heater with a new, updated one.
Get Your Window Air Conditioning System Ready For Spring
As you prepare your home for spring and warm weather, you need to make sure that your window air conditioning system is ready to go.
#1 Clean The Filter
The first thing you need to do is remove the air filter from your window air conditioning unit. It should slide right into your machine on the top of your unit. Just grab it and pull it out.
Once you pull it out, rinse it in your bathtub gently with warm water and dish soap.
Noises To Listen For When Turning On Your AC This Summer
With the arrival of summer comes the need to keep your home cool and comfortable. Firing up the AC after a long winter's hiatus can be a bit unnerving if you are greeted by an odd noise coming from your unit. The following guide can help diagnose the noise your central AC is making so you can get it back to running smoothly as soon as possible.
Clicking noises after startup