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Noises To Listen For When Turning On Your AC This Summer

With the arrival of summer comes the need to keep your home cool and comfortable. Firing up the AC after a long winter's hiatus can be a bit unnerving if you are greeted by an odd noise coming from your unit. The following guide can help diagnose the noise your central AC is making so you can get it back to running smoothly as soon as possible.

Clicking noises after startup

There will be some clicking, generally right before or right after the unit turns on. This is simply the electrical components clicking on. If the clicking continues after the AC has been running for a few minutes or when the unit isn't running at all, you may have a short somewhere in the electrical system. Repeated clicking can also indicate that the thermostat or control system is failing and is due for replacement.

Buzzing from the outdoor unit

The outdoor portion of your AC holds the condenser and the fan. Often, a buzzing noise indicates little more than debris inside the unit. Cut power to the AC and remove the exterior housing on the outside unit. Use a shop vacuum or even a hose to rinse out the leaves and other debris. If this doesn't solve the buzzing, the fan may be loose. In this case you can tighten the screw that secures it to the blower. If the noise continues, call in an HVAC contractor so they can check to make sure the blower is operating properly.

A consistent humming

A low hum is normal when the AC is running, but if the noise becomes loud enough that you notice it or if the humming is inconsistent, you may have a vibration issue. A vibrating outside unit can eventually cause parts inside to loosen or become off balance. The fix may be as simple as tightening a few screws, or you may need to have anti-vibration pads installed under the unit.

High-pitched squeals

Squealing is rarely a good sign. A variety of things can lead to a squeal, but it almost always begins in the outside unit. The need for lubrication, an off-balance blower fan, and a failing motor are the most common causes. Simply lubricating the fan and other moving parts in the unit may sometimes remedy the problem. If not, then the motor needs professional inspections to make sure it isn't about to fail.

For more help, contact an HVAC contractor at a company like Hartman Heating, Air and Fireplaces in your area.
