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The Best Air Conditioning Solutions To Update Your Home Before The Summer

Are you ready to update your air conditioning to reduce your summer energy costs? Now might be the time to start updating the air conditioning in your home. There are various options to make your AC more efficient with the right upgrades. The following AC upgrades are the best solutions to update your air conditioning before summer gets here:

Updating Ducts and Blower Fans

The ductwork may be one of the areas where you want to begin with AC upgrades. There are several options for upgrades that can be done for ductwork and blowers, including:

  • Shortening duct runs
  • Reinsulating ducts and air handlers
  • Installing a variable-speed blower motor

Ductwork improvements help to reduce thermal energy loss, and the blower upgrades improve airflow. These updates combined will greatly improve the efficiency of your AC.

Replacing the AC Unit With More Efficient Equipment

An outdated AC unit can also be replaced. When you are replacing an AC unit, there are options for efficient designs and alternative solutions. Some of the options to consider for your AC replacement include:

  • High-efficiency AC condensing units
  • AC heat pumps
  • Hybrid evaporative cooling units (combination of evaporative cooling and conventional AC)

Options like AC heat pumps and combination evaporative cooling systems maximize the efficiency of your air conditioning. High-efficiency AC units can even be solar-ready, which means that they can be connected to solar panels.

Installing New Smart Thermostat AC Controls

There are also efficient improvements that can be done with new thermostats. Today, there are options for smart thermostats that provide more functionality to make your AC more efficient. Some of the options you may want to consider to update your AC with more efficient smart thermostat controls include:

  • Zoned HVAC design 
  • Single smart HVAC thermostat for a smaller system
  • Smart thermostats with central control panel and network connections (connected to the internet for weather forecast information)

Smart thermostats offer more advanced technology to control your HVAC. They use AI and information to adjust the settings of your AC to maximize efficiency automatically. Thermostats that are connected to the internet can get information like weather forecasts and can be controlled through phone applications.

The right AC upgrades can greatly reduce your energy costs during summer heatwaves. Contact a company that offers air conditioning services in your local area if you would like to discuss these options to update your system before the summer weather gets here.
