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How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Through Testing and Air Cleaning Equipment

Poor air quality in your home could trigger allergy symptoms, headaches, and other health problems. The air in your home could be contaminated with mold spores, volatile organic compounds, dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens that you can't see. Here are some suggestions for improving the air quality in your home.

Consider Air Quality Testing

Indoor air quality testing checks for levels of mold, off-gassing, and other problems so you know the quality of your air and what's contaminating it. You can hire a contractor who provides indoor air quality services to test your home and to make recommendations for cleaning up your air based on what the tests reveal.

Clean Your Home Thoroughly

You may need to hire a cleaning service to go through your home and get rid of dust and pet hair. If these things trigger your allergies, you may need to have a cleaning service come in regularly so dust doesn't have a chance to accumulate and circulate through your home. In addition, you may need specialty cleaning services, such as having your ducts cleaned or having mold removed. Eliminating the source of the air contaminants is important, and then you can set up a way to keep the contaminants under control in the future.

Install Air Cleaning Equipment

An HVAC contractor or indoor air quality service can help you choose equipment that purifies the air in your home. You might start with changing the type of filter you use on your HVAC so the filter traps more allergens. You can even have an air cleaner installed in one of your ducts to further clean the air.

You might use room air purifiers, but an air purifier that hooks up to your HVAC is more convenient. You'll just have to remember to run your HVAC all the time, even if it's just the fan setting, so air is circulated through the purifier. Your home might also benefit from a dehumidifier if the humidity in your home is too high. Mold thrives in high humidity and dampness. A dehumidifier helps keep your home drier so the risk of mold growth is decreased. A UV light is another type of air purifier that decreases viruses and bacteria in your indoor air.

All of these air cleaners can be installed on your HVAC so you don't have appliances scattered around your home. By having an air purifier and improved filter installed, the air in your home should be much cleaner, but you'll also want to take steps to keep allergens under control through frequent dusting, floor cleaning, and decluttering your home.
