Furnace Fiascos Avoided

3 Signs You Need To Schedule A Furnace Repair

Your home's HVAC system is one of the silent heroes of your house. It delivers hot air in the winter and cold air in the summer, leaving you and your family comfortable and safe.

But it's not without its own problems. In fact, most experts recommend a yearly furnace inspection just to make sure that everything is in its proper working order. Failure to do so could mean overlooking small issues that can translate into much bigger issues later.

Below are some of the most common signs that your house is in need of some furnace repair work.

Strange Noises

If you start hearing either a screeching or a scraping sound, that could be because the bolts holding your unit together are going bad and the metal is starting to scrape together. Similarly, a banging sound is usually the result of bolts or screws that are designed to hold the shields in place that have fallen off and are starting to bounce around inside your ductwork. Neither one of these issues is necessarily an emergency, but failure to fix them could result in debris entering your main unit and causing massive damage. Taken care of now, they should be easy jobs for just about any furnace repair tech to handle.

Higher Utility Bills

Your energy bills are usually pretty predictable. Depending on where you live, you may be accustomed to paying a certain price for air conditioning in the summer, and a totally different price for heat in the winter. If you notice that the bill has jumped out of nowhere, that means your unit is having to work harder to compensate for any deficiencies. A simple inspection should be able to detect any issues and pay for itself in less than a few months.

Premature Shutoff

Your HVAC unit is designed to spit out either hot or cold air until it reaches the desired temperature on the thermostat. It should run continuously until it hits that marker, so if you've noticed that it's stopping before it gets to that temperature, it could be shutting itself off for safety reasons. If you notice this problem during the winter, a simple furnace repair job can bring your system back into proper working order, but keep an eye out in the summer to see if your air conditioning does the same thing. Though the two operate from separate units, it could be a similar issue plaguing both systems.
