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5 Tips To Improve Your AC Efficiency

With the warmer months upon us, it may seem as if there is no way to keep completely cool. With the right AC system and good care, you can keep comfortable and better enjoy the summer. There are tips that you can follow to better improve your air conditioner's efficiency so that you feel cooler. Keep reading for some helpful tips to maximize your AC usage.

Change Your Air Filter

When was the last time that you changed your air filter? Never? That's a problem! Switch out your air filter so that you can keep your system running well, and you can minimize debris and other germs that you might currently be breathing in. You should also clean the exterior part of your unit as well to keep it debris free. 

Get Your System Serviced

Getting your AC system serviced is a great way to keep it working properly. Even if things appear to be running well, getting it looked at each season is your best bet. This can avoid future serious problems.

If something sounds funny or is acting weird, contact an air conditioning service company right away for a fast fix.

Adjust Your Thermostat

Many people forget about their thermostat. Adjusting your thermostat a couple of degrees higher can help you use less energy and save on energy costs.

If you're able to do so, investing in a programmable thermostat is a great option. This can really help if you're away from the home for several hours each day. 

Keep Blinds and Windows Closed

Take care to look at your blinds and window coverings. Keeping them closed during the daytime can help to keep the cool air in and the hot air out. This will waste less energy and maximize the air usage that your AC is creating. 

Seal Up Ductwork

If you haven't checked your system's ductwork, now is the perfect time to do so. If there are any gaps or holes, this is wasting cool air. A professional can check and fix this for you. Or, if you'd rather, purchase duct tape to seal everything up on your own. 

You don't have to be uncomfortable during the hot summer months. Taking care to keep up with maintenance and making smarter moves around your home can allow you to waste less energy and use your AC to the best of its ability. If you have any repair concerns, contact a company that provides AC services in your area.
